Case Management

We recognise and value the trust you place in us to manage the different aspects fo your life, and we are on your side:

  • Providing advocacy for you and supportive help to your family.
  • Liaising with statutory services to identify any resources available to you.
  • Ensuring value for money if you access private services.
  • Sourcing the best expert clinicians to meet your needs

Active Case Management works with our clients to structure their time and enable them to do things which they enjoy or which are fulfilling, be it leisure pursuits, therapeutic activities, education, or employment. Your environment is important; if appropriate we will help you find the home you need, and any specialist furniture such as chairs or beds. We can help find the right people to meet your care needs, train, and oversee them; if you need residential support, we can identify suitable providers and monitor their involvement.

We keep you informed, with clear communication and explanations to ensure that everyone knows what will happen, and when; we co-ordinate care experts and therapists from our extensive database of local and national clinicians so that they can work towards the best possible outcomes for you. We also liaise with client legal representation, providing timely reports of information that is necessary to the case, and Deputies where applicable.